Fall Tree Sale


Fall is the time to plant trees! Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards will hold their fall tree sale Saturday, Oct. 11, from 7 a.m. until noon at the Charlottesville City Market downtown on the corner of Water and South Street.

The sale includes a wide selection of mostly native trees and shrubs for a variety of growing conditions. These are young trees that will transplant easily and successfully.

Shade trees include American Chestnut, Chinese Chestnut, Bald Cypress, Black Gum, Hackberry, Shagbark Hickory, Black Oak, Chestnut Oak, Northern Red Oak, Scarlet Oak, Post Oak, White Oak, Willow Oak, Pecan, Persimmon, White Pine, River Birch, Sourwood and Black Willow.

Understory and small trees include Chinquapin, White Flowering Dogwood, Washington Hawthorne, Bear Oak, Common Pear, American Plum, Chickasaw Plum, Redbud and Serviceberry.

Shrubs include Chokeberry, Buttonbush, Crape Myrtle, Redosier Dogwood, Elderberry, American Hazelnut, Arrowwood Viburnum, Blackhaw Viburnum and Possumhaw (V. nudum).

Most trees and shrubs are priced $5 to $10. Proceeds support CATS education and conservation activities.



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